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Tractors, Hit and Miss Engines, Farm Equipment and Dump Truck
From the Estate of C.L. “Buddy” Draughn
Tractors, Farm Equipment, Dump Truck, Hit and Miss Engines
Sale Starts: Saturday, July 20th, 2024 10:00 A.M.
1171 Panorama Drive, Blacksburg, VA 24060
Auction currency
Terms of Sale for Personal Property: Cash, Checks, Visa or Master Card. A 13% buyer’s premium will be charged, 3% will be waived if payment is made by cash or check.
From the Estate of C.L. “Buddy” Draughn
Tractors, Farm Equipment, Dump Truck, Hit and Miss Engines
Sale Starts: Saturday, July 20th, 2024 10:00 A.M.
1171 Panorama Drive, Blacksburg, VA 24060
Large Collection of Hit or Miss Engines, John Deere Tractors, Massey Harris Tractor, Farmall F-Cub Tractor, Fordson Iron Wheel Tractor, Gibson Tractor, John Deere 40, John Deere 435, John Deere R, John Deere, LA, Ford 8N, John Deere MT, Oliver Cletrac Tractor, Toy Tractor, John Deere 50, John Deere B, Fordson Iron Wheel, Deming Water Pump, Sprayers, Creep Feeder, Manure Spreader, Tamper, Grinder, Blacksmith Tools, John Deere Disk, Head Gate, Bail Squeezer, Cattle Scale, Grain Drill, Corn Hand, Fertilizer Cone, Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention!
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