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Online Only Auction
The Estate of James Riley “Jim” Montgomery
Online Auction
606 Landsdowne Dr., Blacksburg, VA 24060
Auction currency
Any items not picked up by 5:00 pm, Tuesday, June 25th, 2024 will be considered abandoned if prior arrangements have not been made
Terms of Sale for Personal Property: Cash, Checks, Visa, PayPal or Master Card. A 13% buyer’s premium will be charged, 3% will be waived if payment is made by cash or check.
The Estate of James Riley “Jim” Montgomery
Online Auction
606 Landsdowne Dr., Blacksburg, VA 24060
Fine Furniture, Fine China, Original Artwork and Vintage Collectibles
Sale Begins Closing: Monday, June 24, 2024 at 12:00p.m.
Pick Up: Tuesday, June 25, 2024 from 9:00a.m. - 5:00p.m.
Preview: Friday, June 21, 2024 from 10:00a.m.-12:00p.m.
Any items not picked up by 5:00 pm, Tuesday, June 25th, 2024 will be considered abandoned if prior arrangements have not been made
Personal Property: Federal mahogany secretary, lighted display cabinet, Blenko pitcher, sterling silver, proof sets, 1989 half dollar proof set, Korean War memorial coin, vintage ice cream tops, foreign currency, upholstered sofas and love seats, signed prints, hand painted pottery, Noritake china, Golden Pheasant china from Czechoslovakia, fondue pot, Bavarian fine china, Royal Copenhagen china, crock, milk glass, glass front wine fridge, convection oven, vintage sleds, original artwork, art supplies, easel, flags, garden flags, nightstands, bookshelves, chest of drawers, area rugs, hallway rug runner, ladders, lamps, filing cabinets, Chippendale silver plate nut bowls, kitchen towels, placemats and table cloths, shaving mirror, antique mirrors, records, pressed glass, Belleek, Nippon dishes, binoculars, vintage folding Asian screen, quilts, fern stands, canes, mirrors, lighting fixtures, LL Bean cast iron tree stand, end tables, vanity, office supplies, books, Boy Scout items, silver plate serving pieces, linens, vintage license plates, hoses, storage shelves, barbed wire, wheelbarrow, have a heart traps, folding chairs, military trumpet, Coleman lantern, vintage pedal car, holiday decorations, LG TV, Old Hickory knife, bread maker, aerobics items, bar stools, vintage Texaco metal truck, vintage toys, ping pong table, saddle, Workmate 300, outdoor tables, Edison record player, twin bed, enamel mugs, upright General freezer and many more items too numerous to mention!
Terms of Sale for Personal Property: Cash, Checks, Visa, PayPal or Master Card. A 13% buyer’s premium will be charged, 3% will be waived if payment is made by cash or check.
Sale is Being Conducted by: Larry J. Linkous, VAAL #3
For Further Information, call: 540.961.2608 or check website at
All information contained in this listing was derived from sources believed to be correct, but is not guaranteed. Any announcement made from the auction stand shall take precedence over any printed material.
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